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Organic Foods – Is it that much better?

Organic Foods and the Australian Organic Industry is now worth 1.8 Billion dollars and “there is a significant and undeniable growth in popularity of organic products” says Paul Stadhams CEO of Australian Certified Organic. This popularity has fueled growth of 35% since 2012 and grows by 15% every year. With well-known media personalities like Pete Read more…

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips Looking for weight loss tips – let me introduce our 2015 Annual Award winners Chris and Chas. Between them they have lost 40 kilos in the past 12 months and they have some great and simple weight loss tips to share. Here is a transcript of this video on Cameron:            I always like Read more…

Achieve a Flatter Stomach Fast: 4 Actionable Steps You Can Take Today

Getting a flatter stomach is the one of the most common reasons why people see personal trainers. And the most common advice people are expecting is core exercises, core exercises, and more core exercises. But based on over 13 years of clinical experience, the surprising and biggest factor in a flatter stomach is LIFESTYLE. There Read more…

Correct breathing: why is it important? Which is better chest vs diaphragmatic?

If you find you are out of breath when exercising, it may not be your fitness level but incorrect breathing. Most of us are chest breathers and are not aware of the significant benefits of breathing diaphragmatically. “It has been said that poor breathing plays a role in about 75% of the ills that cause individuals Read more…

Discover the Power of HIIT – Take Your Fitness to the Next Level

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has now become part of the mainstream fitness training over the past couple of years. Once limited to elite and professional athletes, HIIT is now a common practice in personal training, thanks to its numerous proven benefits for general health, weight loss, and strength and fitness improvements. In this article, we Read more…

Healthy Habits to survive the Christmas period

Lessons to learn from Santa What Healthy Habits did you need to survive the Christmas period? Every year, as a health and lifestyle coach, I live in hope that Santa will lose some weight, for the sake of his health. But unfortunately he is stuck in the same unhealthy lifestyle and work habits that keep Read more…