Which core exercises are the best? Ask most people about what exercises to do for the stomach and the general response is sit ups. Unfortunately, this not the answer for well functioning and healthy core. Our core comprises up to 35 different muscle groups and sit ups are not the most important, or even the Read more…
Core Exercises – The best 6 tips for a strong core to prevent injury and ideal function
How to Unlock the Power of Good Posture: The Hidden Benefits You Need to Know About
Good posture can be one of the most important exercise goals to achieve and one of the most underestimated in priority. Someone with great posture looks good and confident, but what most people do not realise is that poor posture is the catalyst for many health complaints. The benefits of good posture are: muscles and Read more…
Electrical Radiation: what is it, the debate and 9 easy tips to reduce the impact
Electrical Radiation With the visit of Dr Devra Davis to Australia, a highly respected US Epidemiologist, on the ABC Catalyst program “WI-FRIED”, strong debates have erupted about the potential harmful effects of Electrical Radiation (ER). Electrical Radiation was already classed as a Class 2B – Possible Human Carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Read more…
Improve Your Balance and Stability at Any Age with these Simple Exercises
Stability and balance exercise benefits everyone, young and old Stability and balance exercise benefits are often overlooked as important aspects of your health and fitness routine. Even if you aren’t a performance based athlete, simple balance exercises can add real value to your life, exercise programs and sporting performances. General Benefits You do not need Read more…
What is the most common exercise mistake people make when they start?
The biggest exercise mistakes I see when people start is “too much too soon”. Normally when we get back started into exercise we have a lot of motivation and excitement but the incidence of injury when starting or re-start is quite high. If the body has not had regular movement for years a more progressive Read more…
How to finally and easily succeed in achieving in all your goals
Have you ever had resolutions or goals fail? Have you had New Year resolutions and goals that faded into good intentions and wishful thinking? Many of us find that we start well, but within a couple of weeks or months that we lose our determination to lose weight, get fitter or achieve other goals. Old Read more…
Achieve a Flatter Stomach Fast: 4 Actionable Steps You Can Take Today
Getting a flatter stomach is the one of the most common reasons why people see personal trainers. And the most common advice people are expecting is core exercises, core exercises, and more core exercises. But based on over 13 years of clinical experience, the surprising and biggest factor in a flatter stomach is LIFESTYLE. There Read more…
Which Diet is Right for You? Discover the Best Fit for Your Health Goals!
New Healthy Eating Pyramid offers key to healthy diet Recently, we have seen the rise of the Paleo, No Sugar, Primal and the 5:2 Diet … to name a few. With so many diets and information, what do you do? Simple answers may be found in the last changes to Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Pyramid Read more…
Lost your exercise motivation? How to make exercise fun!
Exercise motivation could be low because you have lost the fun factor! This was not an issue when I was a kid. We did exercise because it was all about “FUN”: fun playing, fun with friends, fun with sports and fun reaching a new goal. Now, it seems to be more about we “HAVE TO”: Read more…
Correct breathing: why is it important? Which is better chest vs diaphragmatic?
If you find you are out of breath when exercising, it may not be your fitness level but incorrect breathing. Most of us are chest breathers and are not aware of the significant benefits of breathing diaphragmatically. “It has been said that poor breathing plays a role in about 75% of the ills that cause individuals Read more…
Finally get restful sleep with these 7 tips for a great night’s sleep
Sleep is one of the most critical health factors that affects how we look, feel and function. We rarely hear about it from fitness and health experts, but good sleep is considered one of the fundamentals to improving and maintaining good health. Although most of us know that we need 8 hours per day, research Read more…
Discover the Power of HIIT – Take Your Fitness to the Next Level
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has now become part of the mainstream fitness training over the past couple of years. Once limited to elite and professional athletes, HIIT is now a common practice in personal training, thanks to its numerous proven benefits for general health, weight loss, and strength and fitness improvements. In this article, we Read more…
Healthy Habits to survive the Christmas period
Lessons to learn from Santa What Healthy Habits did you need to survive the Christmas period? Every year, as a health and lifestyle coach, I live in hope that Santa will lose some weight, for the sake of his health. But unfortunately he is stuck in the same unhealthy lifestyle and work habits that keep Read more…
Ever heard of Sitting Disease? Here is 6 tips to help overcome prolonged sitting
Sitting for prolonged periods is seriously compromising your health Most of us spend a significant amount of time sitting down working on a computer, watching TV or driving. As an average this is believed to be 55% of our waking time in sedentary behaviours according to the 2008 Vanderbilt University study published in the American Read more…