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Coronavirus: The essentials

This article provides the essential information on coronavirus and hopes to keep our clients safe and informed. What is Coronavirus? Coronavirus is a common virus around the world. There are currently seven known strains of the virus that infect people, four of which typically cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory illness (similar to a common cold). Read more…

Immune Boosting for Flu Symptoms – Part 1 Nutritional Supplementation

There are many integrative therapies with well-established antiviral and immune boosting properties. The interventions described in this article are not necessarily validated as effective specifically for COVID-19. Nevertheless, they are advisable upon onset of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. For upper respiratory tract infections in general, including those caused by some types of coronaviruses, Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – 3 March 2020

Thanks to Pam and Jan for the bush-walk on Sunday – 90 mins, 5 hills, 3 koalas and great fun!!   Thank you to Denise for her wonderful review of Core Health Coaching.   Welcome back to Michelle from the Adelaide Hills supporting the Armed Forces bush fire recovery efforts. You can see she was very popular!! Read more…

The Ketogenic Diet: Will it Work for You?

The ketogenic diet has come to rise in recent years with many people experiencing a myriad of health benefits confirmed by scientific research. Some of these include weight loss, reducing risk of Type 2 diabetes, lowering risk of cancer and reducing inflammation in the body. There are a number of variations of this diet, often Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – 13 Jan 2020

??Well done to some of our Core girls. Fitness Fun at Foam Fest was a clean start but during may have been different!!!! ??Congrats to our client Martin for not only setting his fitness goals for the year but achieving his first one.with a PB at his home park run. THIS WEEK’S POPULAR POSTS   Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Jan 2020

What a fun time in December, with our Christmas functions and antics.Thank you for your support over the past 12 months. With 2020 upon us, we know a new year is the perfect time to reflect on the past and create some new goals. To help you achieve all that you want this year, I Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Dec 2019

                Thank you to Coach Mark who delivered a very informative Workshop “Surviving the Festive Season”. Great to hear the positive feedback from our participants and helping them achieve a better festive season. Clients only – you now have access to this presentation in our VIP Facebook Group. Attached are a couple of Read more…

Find out the 5 reasons that stop you from exercising or healthy eating

Starting exercising or healthy eating can be more difficult than you first thought. Have you ever wondered why? What is really holding you back? Maybe it is the way you are thinking. Here are the top five reasons, why your thinking patterns could be stopping you from that change that you really want: 1. All Read more…

Veganism: A New Way of Life or Another ‘ism’

Veganism has risen in popularity recently with a number of movie producers, actors and athletes promoting its benefits. A vegan diet is to abstain from any animal foods, while a vegetarian diet is to be absent of any animal flesh but can include foods from an animal (e.g. dairy and eggs). This veganism movement has Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Nov 2019

                As a part of this month’s Members Bush walking event, we visited Whites Hill Reserve. We took this one slow and really appreciated the nature and the wildlife with the highlights seeing the 5 Koalas including a new joey as well as a Wallaby!!! ???Congratulations to our Read more…

Why is a postural assessment important for a strength and fitness program?

A postural assessment is crucial for any fitness or strength program. If not, your efforts could be going to waste and leading you towards injury.  Here is a quick video explaining why postural assessment is so important. TRANSCRIPT  Hi there. I just wanted to quickly jump onto a Facebook live. I had a really great Read more…

5 powerful tips to overcome that bread starter

Don’t want that bread starter but you can not help yourself? You don’t want to fill up before the main course? Bread doesn’t fit into your diet? So here is 5 great tips to overcome that bread starter! Video Transcript Good morning. It’s Cameron from Core Health Coaching. Hope you’re having a good day so Read more…

To Fast Or Not To Fast: Is Fasting For You?

Recently, there has been renewed interest in fasting, with studies showing the scientific benefits especially around weight loss. In this article, we aim to explore the benefits and precautions of fasting, tips and how to know if it is suitable for your needs. Benefits  Historically, ancient cultures and tribes participated in periods of voluntary fasting Read more…

See why a local Wishart Personal Trainer gains national exposure

It is no surprise to Core Health Coaching clients that the expertise of local Wishart Personal Trainer and Brisbane’s top Personal Trainer Cameron Corish has been featured in National SBS radio interviews. Recently, Cameron, founder of Core Health Coaching, and participants from his weekly Super Seniors class, were interviewed by SBS VIVA for a piece Read more…

Poo – What your says about you?

Watch this hilarious video from our own Coach Mark discussing  one of the best indicators of your general and digestive health. Yes it is a shitty topic but you will learn so much about your health and hear even more bad poo puns! Thank you our friends at West Enders for the entertaining interview!! Here Read more…

Do you want real and lasting change in your life?

This one of the best video’s I have seen about real and lasting change. Although this is 35 mins, their are some many great insights and learnings. You can see why Tony Robbins is one of the most highly paid speakers in the world. I feel this video is so important that I have summarised Read more…

How to optimize female hormones for weight loss

Female hormones have been under-estimated in the weight loss equation with most only knowing “Calories In, Calories Out” eg. calorie restriction diets, long cardio workouts, More recent research suggests that female hormones play a larger part of this weight loss equation than previous thought. Here is some of the key hormones and three simple tips Read more…

Exercise benefits research – more than just losing weight

Exercise benefits are well known and well researched to include weight loss and fat loss. The danger is that some people narrow their thinking to use weight loss when research support a huge amount of other heath benefits. Here is some of the latest research to exercise benefits – Intense exercise benefits memory skills Canadian Read more…

2 easy fat loss tips backed by the latest research

Fat loss loss tips backed up by the latest research. Want to know how to sustain fat loss over the long term? Want to know what simple spice can help you burn more calories? Here is 2 tips to help you achieve long term fat loss. How exercise sustains fat loss achieved through dietary changes Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Dec 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for December. I hope you are having a great lead up to Christmas and took our advice on how to survive this silly season. If you missed this article, make sure you check it out. Here is what we have been up to. Community Matters – Personal Trainer Read more…

Want to age better? Stay active in your senior years.

Active Seniors – We are living longer than before, so staying active is the key to fitness and health. But what type of exercise is right for you? Meet the experts and seniors who enjoy regular exercise. In this episode of SBS Radio’s Viva, our head fitness coach Cameron and some our active senior clients – Read more…

How stress, eating too fast and nuts can help your weight loss

Weight loss tips backed up by the latest research. Here is 3 tips to help you achieve better health and weight loss. Weight loss – Stressful experiences cause weight gain An analysis of data from 22,000 middle-aged and older women has found that those who experience trauma, and less severe negative experiences, are more likely Read more…

Back pain and neck pain: Is it from sitting at your desk?

Sitting on a chair is dangerous!! Without corrective exercises, long periods at a desk will create chronic dysfunction. The sitting position causes tightness and excessive flexion of the body. The results can be lower back pain, neck pain and possibly headache or migraines. Think ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame.’ So what can you do about Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Nov 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for November. I hope you are having a happy and healthy month. I cannot believe how quickly each month passes by, especially at this time of the year. Here is what we have been up to. Community Matters – Personal Trainer Wishart Our Marathon Man achieves another personal Read more…

Gut Health – Is this the secret to great health?

From weight loss, disease prevention, mental health and our immune system, our gut health or more specifically our microbiome is looking like the secret to great health!!! With over 90% of scientific literature published on gut bacteria completed in the last five years, the understanding of the importance of our microbiome has significantly shifted. “Suddenly, Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Oct 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for October. Thanks to everyone for feedback on our last update and we hope you have had an amazing month. Here is what we have been up to. Community Matters – Personal Trainer Wishart Well done to our client Lisa who completed the White Ribbon’s Trek for Respect. The Larapinta Read more…

Tapping: what is it, does it work and what research support the great results?

Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique is a combination of Traditional Chinese Acupressure (acupuncture without the needles) and Modern Psychology. It involves the use of fingertips rather than needles to tap on the meridian points situated just beneath the surface of the skin. It is non-invasive, simple and pain free.           Read more…

10 tips for an energy boost

Need an energy boost? Lacking energy? Feeling sluggish and tired? All you want to do is sleep but you have no time? This is so common in today’s society but what can you do about it, rather than have the week long sleep that you need?             Here are the Read more…

EXERCISE improves quality of life – Seniors Fitness

EXERCISE improves quality of life – it gives you energy, relieves stress and allows you to get out there and spend precious time with family and friends. But, as we age confidence and fear can question our abilities – what if I fall; exercise is too hard ; I’m scared to start something new; I Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Sept 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for September. It has been some time since our last one and their has been so many changes and achievements. Here are some of our recent highlights. Community Matters  Well done to our client Mark who completed his long time goal of climbing Machu Picchu. You can see Read more…

Seniors fitness training – 3 essential elements and 7 tips to get going

Long gone are the times of seniors fading away until their passing. More and more seniors are taking active control of their health and fitness by completing specialised Seniors fitness training to experience a fuller life that involves doing and achieving more, socialising and traveling. As well as improving the quality of life, the proven Read more…

Run or Walk – Local parkrun success is expanding

Run or Walk – Wishart parkrun was recently awarded the Sports Award in the local Southside Queensland Day Awards. The winning formula of inclusiveness, personal best times, and their supporting culture are some of the reasons for their expansion to another location in our Brisbane South area. The new Mansfield parkrun is ready to start Read more…

Why is core strength and function important for a runners?

Core strength for runners – Whether you are getting ready for your next parkrun, fun run or marathon, most runners forget to strengthen their core, to their detriment. The importance of your core function far exceeds the look of a six pack, but it is the very foundation of all our movement patterns especially in Read more…

Lose weight without calorie counting

Do you start counting calories when you want to lose weight?  Do you find that you regain any lost weight and even gain more weight? Are you a yo-yo dieter?   Did you know other strategies have been proven to be more effective with long-term weight loss? Continuing studies show “weight losers” regain their lost Read more…

Womens fitness training- why it should be different from a mans?

Womens fitness and strength training – In an era where women and men are equal, a common fitness and strength training mistake is that both are training exactly the same way. Even though we are equal, our bodies are different and as a result we do need different fitness training considerations. According to one of Read more…

Champion Attitude makes a Champion

Learning from Adrian – Champion I want to share an inspiring story. Our client, champion runner and Wishart parkrun Race Director Adrian Royce just completed another marathon – one of many but his first in Borneo, Malaysia. This had been a long-term goal of his, with the intention to beat his personal best time of Read more…

7 powerful food choices more important than calories

Do you truly believe that a 300 calorie plate of organic vegetables is equal to 300 calories of lollies?  Common sense says they are not, but unfortunately when we are looking at our food choices, many of us use the amount of calories way too much in the decision process. The message about portion control Read more…

reiki – what is it, what are the benefits and does it really work?

A couple of clients views on the reiki benefits “Absolutely awesome experience, I felt calm and relaxed and pain free afterwards and quite energised.” Wendy “I have tried so many forms of treatments for chronic pain and surprisingly this has been one of the most effective.” Aisha What is reiki? Reiki treatments are considered a unique Read more…

Calorie counting is NOT Working!

Continuing studies show “weight losers” regain their lost weight from 80% to 95% in the following 3 to 5 years. So with the most commonly used weight loss strategy being calorie restriction or calorie counting, is it really working? Did you know other strategies have been proven to be more effective with long-term weight loss? Read more…

Healthy Diet – Which diet is the healthiest?

Healthy Diet – Which diet is the healthiest? Their is always confusion about which is the healthiest diet.  In this video, we are going to start off talking about the healthy diet from Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Pyramid, the recent changes to the pyramid and how to modify your diet to suit you by listening Read more…

Need pain relief? Why we recommend fisiocrem

Need pain relief? Pain relief – fisiocrem is an effective massage cream to care for muscles and ligaments following injury related to daily activity or intense physical exercise. Based on evidence of traditional use.         What’s in it? fisiocrem uses active ingredients of Arnica, Hypericum and Calendula that have been in traditional Read more…

Barefoot training: 5 surprising benefits that can give great results

Why is barefoot training a critical element in any exercise and wellness program? Is it really that important? Yes it is. While barefoot training is rarely included when doing exercise, it can possibly give you the best results with the least amount of effort and time.         Can you imagine a house Read more…

How metabolism and your metabolic rate are the secrets to losing unwanted fat

Metabolism, metabolic rate and calories. Read here why these are so important for lasting weight loss and ways to increase your metabolic rate. Metabolism – what is it? Technically “metabolism” is the word to describe all of the biochemical reactions in your body.  It’s how you take in nutrients and oxygen and use them to Read more…

Starting exercising? Not sure you will last? Some advise from Christine after 4 years.

Starting exercising? Not sure you will last? Listen to some advise from Christine celebrating 4 years with Core Health Coaching. Christine celebrating 4 years with Core Health Coaching. Here is some of the questions we asked to help you? How have you stuck with it for 4 years, How have you put up with Cameron’s Read more…

5 Powerful and Effective Eating Habits to be more healthier, leaner & energized

Effectiveness my sound strange for the topic of eating as most people eat for taste, overcome hunger cravings or just because it is habitual routine. As one of the most important key foundations of human needs, we tend to take eating food for granted but there are some simple tips and routines that we can Read more…

Health Tip – Water is the most important nutrient to the body.

Heath Tip 1 – Water is the most important nutrient to the body. The most important health tip – The human body is approx 70% water with the brain being 75%, blood 83% and even your bones are 22%. Every single bodily function is linked, regulated and dependant on water.       Based on F Batmanghelidj Read more…

Health 4 You Award

Award Winning Team!!       Health 4 You has award the Core Health Coaching team another award this week from one of the leading online Health and Fitness Directories. We beat some notable local and national based companies and we are truly humbled and grateful for this award. Here was the results for 2016…… Read more…

Healthy chocolate – is it really that good?

            With Valentine Day approaching, chocolate consumption will sky rocket. Most people will feel guilty and believe that this is not good for their health, but what if we had “healthy chocolate”? Is that possible? We know that dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate but imagine having chocolate every Read more…

Ready for a lasting health change?

Tried for a lasting health change before and not succeeded? You started and then gave up? Don’t have the motivation. Here’s a simple strategy that works. The main reason for most of us not being successful in implementing a lasting health change is that we carry forward the same old thinking and strategy. As a Read more…

Best Personal Trainer Brisbane | Best Personal Training Brisbane

Looking for the best personal trainer or best personal training in Brisbane? Further to my ebook “20 tips you need to know before hiring a Personal Trainer”, here is another 4 tips to look for when hiring for the best personal trainer Brisbane. Here are the 4 additional tips to hire the best personal trainer Read more…