Freedom of choice and a variety of foods are critical to long-term success in fat loss. If you have had too much experience in hearing the words ‘You should’, ‘You shouldn’t’, ‘Don’t do this or that’ you may not like hearing ‘Do not eat’. So let’s clarify: The following Do-Not-Eat foods we recommend you to Read more…
13 Fat Loss Foods
Fat Loss Foods is another truth about healthy eating. Not all foods are created equal. One of the less-known effects of food when it is ingested, which rarely gets much discussion in mainstream press, is its ‘thermogenic effect’. Yet it is one of the reasons why not all foods are created equal. To sum up Read more…
Truths of Effective Fat Loss
Effective Fat Loss is through proper diet. Let’s get something clear straight away. By ‘diet’ I am not referring to a particular eating regime, diet or fad. I am speaking about nutrition. So let’s start again… The most effective way to lose fat is through proper nutrition. This is not an exaggeration or an overstatement. Read more…
Organic Foods – Is it that much better?
Organic Foods and the Australian Organic Industry is now worth 1.8 Billion dollars and “there is a significant and undeniable growth in popularity of organic products” says Paul Stadhams CEO of Australian Certified Organic. This popularity has fueled growth of 35% since 2012 and grows by 15% every year. With well-known media personalities like Pete Read more…
New food labelling laws – Are they enough?
Are new food labelling laws enough? New food labelling laws are being introduced to make the country of origin clearer. From the 1 July, it will be mandatory for food grown, produced and made in Australia to carry the Kangaroo triangle symbol. A new bar chart will show the proportion of Australian ingredients with the Read more…
Is Coffee healthy for me?
Is Coffee healthy for me…..Need a coffee hit every morning? Having 2-3 cups per day? Lacking energy? Need to have a coffee break? “Is Coffee healthy for me?” I would like to provide some insight before I answer this question. What I see, is people drinking coffee first thing in the morning, drinking a minimum of 2 Read more…
Healthy recipes – Wild Salmon Gluten Free Pasta
Healthy Recipes – Wild Salmon Gluten Free Pasta Healthy recipes do not have to take a lot of time and money to prepare. Here is a simple, easy, fast, healthy and tasty recipe from Deborah Wray at one of our Core Health Coaching Birthday function. Healthy recipes – Wild Salmon Gluten Free Pasta Serves 4 Read more…
Achieve a Flatter Stomach Fast: 4 Actionable Steps You Can Take Today
Getting a flatter stomach is the one of the most common reasons why people see personal trainers. And the most common advice people are expecting is core exercises, core exercises, and more core exercises. But based on over 13 years of clinical experience, the surprising and biggest factor in a flatter stomach is LIFESTYLE. There Read more…
Which diet is for you?
New Healthy Eating Pyramid offers key to healthy diet In the last six months we have seen the rise of the Paleo, No Sugar, Primal and the 5:2 Diet … to name a few. With so many diets and information, what do you do? Simple answers may be found in the new changes to Nutrition Read more…
Healthy Habits to survive the Christmas period
Lessons to learn from Santa What Healthy Habits did you need to survive the Christmas period? Every year, as a health and lifestyle coach, I live in hope that Santa will lose some weight, for the sake of his health. But unfortunately he is stuck in the same unhealthy lifestyle and work habits that keep Read more…