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Discover the Power of Glucose Control: Better Energy, Weight, and Mood

Managing glucose levels has become one of the most critical strategies for improving overall health.

In Glucose Revolution, Jessie Inchauspé breaks down the science of blood sugar regulation and offers practical hacks that make it easy to stabilize glucose and improve energy, mood, and metabolic health.

This blog will explore the key benefits of controlling glucose levels, how to apply these strategies, and the research-backed evidence that supports these methods.

What Is Glucose and Why Is It Important?

Glucose is a sugar that comes from carbohydrates, and it is our body’s main source of energy.

But when we consume too many high-sugar foods or processed carbs, it can lead to glucose spikes which quick rises in blood sugar that can harm our bodies over time.

These spikes are linked to weight gain, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Keeping glucose levels stable is essential for avoiding these health issues.

Benefits of Stabilizing Glucose Levels:

1. Steady Energy Levels: When you prevent glucose spikes, you avoid the energy crashes that often follow. Instead of feeling fatigued after meals, you will maintain more consistent energy throughout the day.

2.Reduced Cravings: Controlling glucose helps minimize sugar and carbohydrate cravings. This is because large glucose spikes often lead to post-spike crashes that trigger cravings for more high-sugar foods.

3.Better Weight Management: By managing glucose, you can support healthy weight loss or maintenance. Without large spikes, the body is better able to store fat and regulate metabolism.

4.Improved Mood and Cognitive Function: Stabilizing glucose has been linked to improved mood, mental clarity, and better concentration. Research shows that glucose spikes can cause mood swings and even contribute to symptoms of anxiety and depression.

5.Long-Term Health: Keeping glucose levels stable helps reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other long-term health conditions related to poor blood sugar management.

Practical Glucose Tips from Glucose Revolution:

In Glucose Revolution, Inchauspé offers simple, everyday strategies to help you manage your glucose levels:

– Eat in the Right Order: Start meals with fiber-rich vegetables, followed by proteins and fats, and end with carbohydrates. This helps slow the absorption of glucose.

– Add Vinegar Before Meals: Studies show that taking a small amount of vinegar before a meal can reduce post-meal glucose spikes by 30%.

– Move After Eating: Even light physical activity, like walking for 10-15 minutes after a meal, can lower postprandial glucose levels and prevent sharp spikes.

– Focus on Savory Breakfasts: Choose high-protein, low-carb breakfasts to start your day with stable glucose and sustained energy.


The key to better health could be as simple as managing your glucose. Glucose Revolution offers practical, science-backed strategies that anyone can implement, leading to improved energy, reduced cravings, and long-term wellness.

By making small changes, such as adjusting the order of food intake or adding a short walk after meals, you can take control of your glucose and overall health.


Cameron Corish

Cameron Corish has been caring and achieving results for the local Wishart, Mansfield and Mt Gravatt community for over 10 years. Together with the Core Health Coaching Team, he takes a multi-disciplined and holistic approach to health and fitness addressing the physical, mental and emotional aspects of one’s health.  

Ready to feel and look your best?  Book a time for a FREE chat and see how we can make a difference in your life.  Book here or email Cameron at


Supporting Evidence:

Inchauspé’s recommendations are grounded in scientific research that highlights the importance of glucose regulation for health. Some key studies supporting the book’s strategies include:

1.Vinegar’s Role in Reducing Glucose Spikes: Several studies have demonstrated that vinegar can significantly reduce post-meal glucose levels. One study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming vinegar before a meal reduced postprandial (after meal) blood glucose levels by 31.4% in healthy subjects . Acetic acid in vinegar is believed to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, thus preventing sharp glucose spikes.

2.Impact of Fiber on Glucose Levels: A meta-analysis published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that dietary fiber, especially soluble fiber, plays a crucial role in reducing glucose absorption and stabilizing blood sugar levels . Another study in Diabetes Care found that individuals who consumed a high-fiber diet experienced significant improvements in blood sugar control, particularly among those with type 2 diabetes .

3.Exercise and Post-Meal Glucose Regulation: A study in The Journal of Applied Physiology found that light physical activity, such as a 10-15 minute walk after meals, can significantly lower postprandial glucose levels, particularly in individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes . This evidence supports Inchauspé’s advice to engage in gentle movement after eating to mitigate glucose spikes.

4.Eating Food in the Right Order: Research published in Diabetes Care explored the effect of food order on glucose levels, showing that eating vegetables and proteins before carbohydrates led to lower post-meal glucose spikes . This simple change in meal structure can reduce the body’s glucose response and improve overall metabolic health.

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