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2 easy fat loss tips backed by the latest research

Fat loss loss tips backed up by the latest research. Want to know how to sustain fat loss over the long term? Want to know what simple spice can help you burn more calories? Here is 2 tips to help you achieve long term fat loss.

fat loss

Our client Susan Carroll maintaining fat loss of 60 kilos past 4 years

How exercise sustains fat loss achieved through dietary changes

Consuming fewer calories is the way in which most people go about losing weight, and in the short term it may appear effective.

In 4 out of 5 instances, however, the dieter regains all the weight lost within a few years (if not sooner).

One of the explanations for this is that when energy intake is restricted, the body compensates by slowing down its metabolism. Research has previously found that when dieters add moderate intensity exercise, like a brisk walk, their metabolism does not slow down as much as when they diet alone.

Researchers from the University of Alabama took this one step further by applying the concept of higher intensity interval training to a calorie restricted diet in mice, and found that it both preserved muscle mass and positively impacted the way the body uses glucose for energy.

Study leader Eric Plaisance PhD, said, “This study has important implications for how we guide people through weight loss and help them keep the weight off.”

A festive flavour to fuel fat loss

Christmas may not typically be considered the time of year in which most of us burn more calories, but a timely new study has found that cinnamon, that most festive of spices, may speed up metabolism and burn fat.

Researchers from the University of Michigan treated fat cells from both mice and humans with cinnamaldehyde, the compound that gives cinnamon its flavour. The resulting change in certain genes and enzymes that boost lipid metabolism caused them to speculate that cinnamon may induce thermogenesis, a process that causes cells to burn stored fat.

Lead study author Jun Wu concluded, :Given the wide usage of cinnamon in the food industry, the notion that this popular food additive, instead of a drug, may activate thermogenesis could ultimately lead to therapeutic strategies against obesity that are much better adhered to by participants.”

Source – Australian Fitness Network

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