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Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Sept 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for September. It has been some time since our last one and their has been so many changes and achievements. Here are some of our recent highlights.

Community Matters 

Well done to our client Mark who completed his long time goal of climbing Machu Picchu. You can see in these photos the smile of someone that has really achieved something that he has worked for!  Also something I would never expect….”I am SO GLAD the piston squats that I have been doing with Cameron these last few months made it a ‘relative’ breeze!” I have never heard anyone say that were glad about piston squats!!!

personal trainer wishart

Success is only ever achieved with small steps, so I wanted to acknowledge and congratulate Lydie and her family for doing their first ever Bridge to Brisbane.  This is on the back of Lydie’s first ever 10 k run and we are so proud of the hard work she puts in each week and the great example that she shows her family and friends. Well done Lydie!

personal trainer wishart

Adrian Royce – Further to his success at the World Masters Games, he has gone on to win, complete and achieve a number of personal best in numerous marathons, half-marathons, 10k and cross country events.  Like anyone else that tries anything, he is not always successful in every event.  I was so moved by his “failure” at his first Borneo Marathon that I had to write an article of his experience and his champion attitude. Read it here.  Keep up the great work Adrian, you inspire so many!!

personal trainer wishart

It was great to catch up with our Super Seniors for our regular quarterly Morning Tea. I love spending time with this great bunch of people. Such a great attitude to life.

personal trainer wishart

Staff Matters – Personal Trainer Wishart

Coach Mark –  is in the midst of completing his pre-work for his next CHEK Qualifications. This will make him one of Brisbane’s highest qualified CHEK Practitioners and Personal Trainer.

He also recently celebrated 12 months with our Personal Trainer Wishart CORE HEALTH COACHING and I am so lucky to have him as a part of our team. Not only is he passionate and dedicated to our clients, but also to his learning and our business. Working in a small business can be challenging and his ability to be flexible is always appreciated. You are a star! Thanks for your support and work over the past 12 months.

Coach Cam – Like Mark, I have been spending time learning new skills and knowledge and different ways to help our clients more. I have complete my first Reike qualification with a second one to be completed before the end of the year.  Also an additional qualifications in Emotional Freedom Technique will be completed in Oct. Lastly my ongoing studying of the many benefits of Essentials Oils.

We have had a couple of great successes with our business exposure, with Core Health Coaching to be featured on SBS and the Sunday Mail.

Most importantly, the search continues to find another Coach to join our team.

Business Matters

NEW – Have you seen our new virtual tour?  Take a look 

NEW – As part of our commitment to our local and wider community we have set up a new Facebook Group called “Daily Health and Fitness Tips” This group is designed to focus, inspiration, quality information, tools and support to help people lead a better and healthier life one day at a time. Make sure you are part of this group and share with your family and friends.

NEW – We are also very excited about incorporating Essential Oils to our client’s as part of our normal service. If you have not had much experience with these wonderful products, check our blog on Essential Oils

We are also please to announced our support and sponsorship for the new Mansfield Qld parkrun. Similar to our sponsorship of the Wishart parkrun we are giving away a prize of $250 (including a foam roller) to the winner of the Park Runner of the month. More details here  

Thank you 

Thank you for reading and we wish you the very best health, happiness and fitness.

PS – If you know of any family or friends that would be benefit from improving their health and fitness from a personal trainer Wishart or Group Fitness Wishart, please share this blog or they can call Cameron 0406 451 907.


  1. Great to touch bases with this newsletter Cameron. I hope to be back with you next year. 🙂

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