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Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Dec 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for December. I hope you are having a great lead up to Christmas and took our advice on how to survive this silly season. If you missed this article, make sure you check it out. Here is what we have been up to. Community Matters – Personal Trainer Read more…

Want to age better? Stay active in your senior years.

Active Seniors – We are living longer than before, so staying active is the key to fitness and health. But what type of exercise is right for you? Meet the experts and seniors who enjoy regular exercise. In this episode of SBS Radio’s Viva, our head fitness coach Cameron and some our active senior clients – Read more…

How stress, eating too fast and nuts can help your weight loss

Weight loss tips backed up by the latest research. Here is 3 tips to help you achieve better health and weight loss. Weight loss – Stressful experiences cause weight gain An analysis of data from 22,000 middle-aged and older women has found that those who experience trauma, and less severe negative experiences, are more likely Read more…

Back pain and neck pain: Is it from sitting at your desk?

Sitting on a chair is dangerous!! Without corrective exercises, long periods at a desk will create chronic dysfunction. The sitting position causes tightness and excessive flexion of the body. The results can be lower back pain, neck pain and possibly headache or migraines. Think ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame.’ So what can you do about Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Nov 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for November. I hope you are having a happy and healthy month. I cannot believe how quickly each month passes by, especially at this time of the year. Here is what we have been up to. Community Matters – Personal Trainer Wishart Our Marathon Man achieves another personal Read more…

Gut Health – Is this the secret to great health?

From weight loss, disease prevention, mental health and our immune system, our gut health or more specifically our microbiome is looking like the secret to great health!!! With over 90% of scientific literature published on gut bacteria completed in the last five years, the understanding of the importance of our microbiome has significantly shifted. “Suddenly, Read more…

Personal Trainer Wishart Core News – Oct 2017

Welcome to our Personal Trainer Wishart Core News for October. Thanks to everyone for feedback on our last update and we hope you have had an amazing month. Here is what we have been up to. Community Matters – Personal Trainer Wishart Well done to our client Lisa who completed the White Ribbon’s Trek for Respect. The Larapinta Read more…

Tapping: what is it, does it work and what research support the great results?

Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique is a combination of Traditional Chinese Acupressure (acupuncture without the needles) and Modern Psychology. It involves the use of fingertips rather than needles to tap on the meridian points situated just beneath the surface of the skin. It is non-invasive, simple and pain free.           Read more…

10 tips for an energy boost

Need an energy boost? Lacking energy? Feeling sluggish and tired? All you want to do is sleep but you have no time? This is so common in today’s society but what can you do about it, rather than have the week long sleep that you need?             Here are the Read more…

EXERCISE improves quality of life – Seniors Fitness

EXERCISE improves quality of life – it gives you energy, relieves stress and allows you to get out there and spend precious time with family and friends. But, as we age confidence and fear can question our abilities – what if I fall; exercise is too hard ; I’m scared to start something new; I Read more…