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5 Powerful and Effective Eating Habits to be more healthier, leaner & energized

Effectiveness my sound strange for the topic of eating as most people eat for taste, overcome hunger cravings or just because it is habitual routine. As one of the most important key foundations of human needs, we tend to take eating food for granted but there are some simple tips and routines that we can implement to improve it and reap all the benefits of a healthier and leaner body including more energy and a happier mind.

Eating Success





Tip 1 – Eating breakfast: Every morning!

Breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your day. You will be less hungry throughout the day and less likely to binge on snacks or to overeat at other meals.

Tip 2 – Eating throughout the day at regular intervals (every 3 or 4 hours)

The timing is more important than most people think. Don’t eat based solely on hunger. Eat small meals throughout the day with healthy snacks – Greek yoghurt, raw nuts, raw veggies, dips and you will be less likely to give into junk food and sugar-based foods due to drops in your blood sugar levels.

Tip 3 – Eating quality unprocessed whole real foods

Nutritional and enzyme content is higher than processed foods without the hidden sugars, salt, additives and preservatives.

Tip 4 – Eating more proteins and veggies

Most people’s diets are heavy in carbohydrates (especially starchy carbs like potatoes, rice, pasta and breads) with proteins and veggies neglected. The recently updated Healthy Eating Pyramid by Nutrition Australia recommends at least 2 servers of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables or legumes each day which most are not achieving.

Tip 5 – Listening to your body

This maybe foreign to some but our body give us the best feedback on the foods that we eat. Here are some simple guidelines –

  • If your urine is yellow you are not drinking enough water
  • If you poo’s are not 7-8 cms, light brown, soft, no smell and easy to pass, you are not eating the right foods eg could be low in fibre.
  • You should be regular in you poo’s eg 2-3 times a day
  • If you are passing wind, feel bloated or bleaching, you are intolerant or sensitive to certain foods
  • 1 hour after food you should feel full, energised and in a great mood. If not you are eating the wrong foods for your body either too much protein or too much carbs.









Effective eating is creating some simple habits for your body to work better and more efficiently. Incorporating these simple habits on a regular basis, you will notice changes in how you feel and see the changes in your body.

If you like this information and are interested in fat loss, we also have a mini ebook “Truths of Effective Fat Loss” that will change your whole approach to weight loss. Included is the – top 13 fat burning foods, the 5 must do not eats, why you are still hungry, the top 10 habits of highly effective eaters, a dining out guide as well as bonus 16 recipes.

Wishart Personal Trainer





Cameron Corish

Cameron Corish has been caring and achieving results for the local Wishart, Mansfield and Mt Gravatt community for over 12 years. Together with the Core Health Coaching Team, he takes a multi-disciplined and holistic approach to health and fitness addressing the physical, mental and emotional aspects of one’s health.  

Ready to feel and look your best?  Come in for a FREE chat and see how we can transform your life.  Call 0406 451 907 or email Cameron at



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